Bengal kitties stretching in their bedA cat that is loyal, smart, and eager to learn tricks – that’s the Bengal. However, before getting a Bengal kitty, you must understand that this breed requires extra dedication. Because of its wild ancestry and sharp intellect, the Bengal has a knack for mischief. It also hates being alone.

In this article, you'll find everything you need to know about this unique breed. In short, here’s what we’ll cover:


Origins and history of the breed

Are Bengal domestic cats illegal?

Personality and Physical Characteristics

Are Bengal kitties good house pets?

Do Bengals like to go outside?

Why do Bengal cats meow so much?

Do all Bengals have litter box issues?

Daily Care

Меdісаl іѕѕuеѕ rеlаtеd tо this brееd cats

How big does a cat of this breed get?

How much does a Bengal kitten cost?


Origins and history of the breed

The Bengal cat is a cross between a domestic cat and the Asian leopard cat. It gets its name from the species Prionailurus bengalensis – the leopard forest cat found across South Asia and the nearby islands. 

A gorgeous Bengal cat with a shiny coat standing on its back feet

The modern Bengal cat was developed as a breed in the second half of the 20th century. Its founder is Jean Mill, who successfully crossed the wild leopard cat with a domestic cat and backcrossed the offspring through five generations to create a domestic Bengal cat that is adequately removed from its wild ancestors. The idea was to preserve the wild cat's beauty but maintain the domestic cat's soft temperament.

In 1963 Jean Mill (then named Jean Sugden) purchased a female leopard cat, which she crossed with a domestic male. Supposedly, Mill created the breed to raise awareness about the hunted leopard cats and help stop poaching. Her logic was that if people have cats that look like wild animals, they won’t be wearing the animals’ fur. 

In the 1970s, Mill worked on developing the Bengal breed with Dr. Willard Centerwall, professor emeritus of medical genetics and pediatrics. Because the Asian leopard cat has a natural immunity to feline leukemia (viral cancer), Dr. Centerwall was interested in wild animals.

He studied and bred them to see if their immunity could be replicated in the new domestic cats. As a result, many of today’s Bengal cats trace their heritage to Dr. Centerwall’s medical studies.

Many other people were involved in breeding the hybrid Bengals in the 1980s, and in the 90s, the new breed was finally accepted by The International Cat Association. The American Cat Fanciers Association followed later, but under the condition that the cats participating in its shows must be four generations removed from their wildcat ancestors.


Are Bengal domestic cats illegal?

A mischievous Bengal cat on a window sill, ready to play.Although today's domestic Bengal cats typically come from breeding Bengals to other Bengals, some lawmakers are concerned about the cats' wild instincts. That’s why proof that the cat has been removed from its wild ancestors for at least four generations may be required in some states and you must check your state's regulations before buying or adopting a Bengal kitty.

The four-generation restriction is still important to Bengal parents today and they are called F1-F4. F1 is the first generation produced when a leopard cat is bred with a domestic cat. Then, the F1 females are bred with a Bengal male or a leopard cat to produce F2 and so on. The first three generations (F1-F3) are the foundation cats to the Bengal cat, but technically they are not Bengal cats themselves, says the American Cat Fanciers Association. 


Personality and Physical Characteristics

Bengal cats have certainly inherited a unique temperament from their wild grandparents: agile, intelligent felines that love to swim and climb. The modern Bengal cat also possesses these characteristics, so if you are looking for a calm lap cat, this breed is not for you.

Bengals appreciate the company and get lonely easily, so leaving a cat alone for extended periods is not recommended. Consider adding another pet to your family if you won't be home to spend time with your Bengal cat every day. Bengals are very social and usually get along well with other animals. 

Bengals are also athletic animals with great strength, agility, balance, and grace. Although they may have different coats and colors, they all have the same muscular build and shiny fur.


A Bengal cat with a stunning coat with rosettes - each having an outline of a darker color.

Bengal cats are known for their coat of vivid spots and fur, which often glitters. This stunning coat was achieved by crossing the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) with either the domestic tabby or the Siamese cat. The latter resulted in the Snow Seal Lynx Bengal, which has the lightest base coat of all Bengals and is the only one with blue eyes. 

A snow seal lynx Bengal and a tabby Bengal kissingThe coat of the Bengal cat may have spots, rosettes or marbles. The regular spots do not have a colorful outline, while the rosettes each have a darker outline, giving the cats a look similar to that of a Jaguar. 

The marble markings have three or more shades, similar to the tabby cat. This coat is also known as a classic tabby marbled pattern.
The Bengal colors include brown tabby, seal sepia tabby, seal mink tabby, seal lynx point, black silver tabby, seal silver sepia tabby, seal silver mink tabby, and seal silver lynx.


Body build

This cat breed has an exotic look with a longer head than it is wide and relatively short ears – rounded at the top. Its eyes are oval – almost round – set wide apart. 

The muzzle is full and broad, with large, prominent whisker pads and high, pronounced cheekbones. The neck is long and muscular, proportionate to the head and body.

The body is long and muscular too. In fact, the muscles are one of the most distinguishing features of the breed. The feet are large and round, and the tail is thick and medium in length. Overall, Bengal cats have a sturdy build.


Are Bengal kitties good house pets?

Bengals are very entertaining and affectionate. They make great pets, but you must be prepared for their playful personality and incredible intelligence. Like their ancestors, these cats are very active creatures. They are energetic and require entertainment. If cats do not get the action they need, they may damage household items and furniture.

A Bengal cat in the hands of her owner, letting the owner pet her tummy.Bengals are also known as avid thieves. They often steal and hide intriguing items (e.g., jewelry, coins, keys) and love splashing in the water and playing with paper, so keep important documents locked and offer lots of toys to keep them busy.

Overall, Bengal cats are confident, curious, and happy. They are no more aggressive than the average domestic cat, and, as with all cats, their temperament can be molded with training. They are also friendly and loving, and it’s not unusual for them to develop great loyalty to a single family member. 


Do Bengal cats like to go outside?

A beautiful Bengal cat with a green leash climbing a tree in the park.These kitties like to explore. They will not rest until they know every corner of the house. They also like to venture outdoors, and leash training is not a problem. Bengal cats need mental stimulation, so learning tricks is easy for them, and they enjoy being trained.


Why do Bengal cats meow so much?

Bengal cats are intelligent and very communicative. They often meow when bored and voice their frustration if you aren’t giving them the attention they want. Keep in mind that these felines not only seek attention but also would do anything to get it, so don’t ignore them or you’ll pay.


Do all Bengals have litter box issues?

Some experts say that cats of this breed are more prone to soiling issues, while others insist that Bengals are no different than all purebreds. Either way, if you are considering a Bengal breed kitty, research the breed through breeders' sites, cat associations, cat blogs, and information from sanctuaries and rescue organizations. 

According to The Wildcat Sanctuary, most Bengal cats have litter box issues and behavioral problems. The sanctuary receives more calls from owners wanting to surrender Bengal cats than all other wildcats and hybrids combined. So, before you commit, get to know this unique and beautiful breed.


Daily Care

A playful Bengal on its cat tree.

This breed of cats requires knowledgeable owners as they have distinct needs. Because Bengal cats are demanding and sometimes naughty, they need parents who would spend the extra time.

Providing vertical space is an absolute must if you want a Bengal cat. These cats are very active and athletic and need the space to release energy. Ramps, shelves, and hammocks can be very helpful. The cat trees and towers are other options to encourage your cat to climb, play, and scratch without damaging your furniture. Providing access to a large outdoor enclosure is ideal.

If you aren’t home for most of the day, consider bringing a second kitty into your home so your Bengal doesn’t get upset. This breed needs company.

Running water is another important factor when caring for Bengal cats. They prefer drinking fresh water from a faucet or a water fountain. If the water comes in a bowl, don't be surprised if your Bengal cats play with it.

Feeding is easy, and the Bengals do well on regular, commercial food. The food must be appropriate for a high-energy cat and offer quality ingredients. Pick food that’s appropriate for your cat’s age.

Due to their short coat, the cats have low grooming requirements, but they benefit from brushing like all other cats. They shed less than other breeds but still shed and are mildly to highly hypoallergenic. Their coat is easy to groom, and their claws can be trimmed if needed.

The life span of the Bengal cat is 10–16 years.


Medical issues related to this breed cats

Caring for a Bengal cat also means understanding the genetic predispositions that may cause health issues. This does not mean that every cat from the breed will experience these issues, but Bengals may be at higher risk than other cats. Here are some of the genetic conditions that might be a problem for them:

  • Progressive retinal atrophy: This condition is known as Bengal PRA or PRA-b and it means bilateral degeneration of the retina, which leads to blindness. A noninvasive vet test can determine it. 
  • Patellar luxation: A luxating patella is a kneecap that slips off. Signs of this condition appear gradually and can result in leg lameness. 
  • Pyruvate kinase deficiency: This inherited disease is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme pyruvate kinase. The enzyme is found in red blood cells, and, when missing, the lifespan of red blood cells is significantly reduced, resulting in anemia. 

Another important health fact about Bengal cats is that they may have different blood types. Most domestic cats have type A blood, but purebred cats may have types B or AB. Knowing your cat’s blood type could be critical in an emergency, so test it and add the result to your pet’s microchip record.


How big does a cat of this breed get?

A beautiful Bengal cat lounging on her window perch.Bengal cat size is the same as that of other domestic cats. While they may appear larger because of their muscles, they don't get much bigger than other cats.

The average Bengal is not fully grown until about 2 years old. At maturity, an average Bengal female weighs between 8 and 10 pounds, while an average male weighs between 10 and 15 pounds.



How much does a Bengal kitten cost?

The price of a Bengal kitten depends on its generation (F1-F4), gender, and the breeder's reputation. It can be as high as $10,000 if you buy an F1 kitten, but remember that a first-generation cat means that you are getting a wild animal, and you will have a hard time training it. You may also face legal penalties.

If you want a Bengal cat, consider adopting it from a rescue group like the Bengal Rescue Network. The advantage of adopting from such an organization is that the cat's social and litter-box behaviors would already be assessed, and you'd be better prepared for your new family member. 


A Bengal cat outside, on the green grass, looking straight into the camera.



If you choose to bring a Bengal cat into your family, you must be committed to the breed and its behavior. These cats are mischievous, energetic, vocal, water-loving beings that demand interaction. Don’t get a Bengal if you actually want a sweet lap cat. 

Nicole McCray

About the author

Viva Bolova holds a degree in journalism from the University of Kansas. She spent 14 years doing work for major brands and writing for various publications. Now she writes on travel and pet-related topics and has experience as a PR expert for an international airport. 

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