Cat is spraying on the wall

Many cat owners have to deal with spraying – the problem with small amounts of urine found around the house. To cats, this behavior is a way of communicating, but to people, it’s a struggle that can put the cat at risk of being surrendered or even euthanized. You are probably wondering: How do we deal with spraying quickly and effectively? We will get to that, but first, let’s make sure we all understand why cats spray.


Why do cats spray?

Cats spray to send a message – whether they are stressed or ready to mate, it is important to know they don't do it out of spite. Spraying or marking is all about communicating through scent, and it differs from urinating because when cats pee, they squat. On the other hand, when cats spray, they usually mark vertical surfaces. They stand with their backs to the object, twitching their tails and spraying urine, usually at another cat's nose level. In this case, the urine may form a thin line instead of the paddle formed when the cat has peed outside the litter box.


But what triggers cat spraying?

Several reasons usually may cause spraying in cats:


Medical problems

Territorial issues

Desire to mate

Changes in the routine

Dirty litter boxes


Each of these will get a detailed look in the following paragraphs. However, we should first clarify that both male and female cats do spraying, and those who have been spayed and neutered do it far less. Still, 10% of neutered males and 5% of neutered females also spray, reports the  Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.


Medical issues may be causing your cat to spray

Every time our pet changes its behavior, it’s important to rule out medical reasons first. This is valid for spraying, too, as it could be caused by physical discomfort that inflicts stress. This means that the animal may spray urine due to being stressed.

Additionally, a medical problem may cause pain that makes the cat adopt a spraying posture to urinate. It’s also possible that sick cats are not spraying but simply peeing in other places. For example, urinary-tract inflammation can increase the frequency and urgency of peeing. This could make a cat go outside the litter box. Diabetes, thyroid, and kidney disease may cause cats to drink more and urinate more often. Of course, old age may also interfere with a pet’s ability to get to the litter box in time. 

A cat at the vetThis is why cat parents should always take their pets to the vet to ensure no health issue triggers the behavioral change. A physical exam, urinalysis and other diagnostic tests will reveal if there is a medical reason for the behavior.

Problem: Your cat has changed its habits and urine is found around the house. The urine smells differently or has blood in it.

How to fix it: Consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. It is important to determine what has caused the change in your cat’s behavior. If the problem is not disease-related, your vet will help outline next steps and possibly prescribe anxiety medications. An animal behavior expert can also evaluate your cat’s problem and help you develop a treatment plan.


Territorial conflicts could also make cats mark

Two male cats fighting

Cats are territorial and solitary animals that might mark an area to show that it belongs to them and minimize contact with other cats. What could trigger your cat’s territorial instinct? Neighboring animals, multiple cats in the same household or a newcomer, to name a few.

In the first case, urine spraying may occur near doors or windows – especially if your kitty often sees the outdoors and feels threatened. For instance, if there’s a stray cat, your cat’s natural response would be to mark its territory, which could also be done by scratching furniture.

If you have many cats, your feline friend could be spraying because it has received a threat from another animal. Remember that a threat could be a stare, which is not noticeable to the human eye, explains veterinarian Dr. Cathy Lund for PetMD. In this situation, it might be a good idea to closely observe the situation, separate the cats, and improve the harassed animal’s security.

Yet another reason for spraying could be adopting another pet. Even if your kitty has lived with other pets before, you should know that cats are pickier than dogs and the cat may tolerate one animal but not another. Also, cats often view newcomers as invaders and can be particularly territorial.


Problem: Other cats – outside or inside – seem to bother your pet, and this has led to spraying.

How to fix it: If you have multiple indoor cats, provide a few perching areas and sisal or carpet scratching posts. Pets need their own space and conflicts can often be resolved simply by offering them more room. Creating space can be as easy as clearing shelves or providing a cat tree or tower. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to determine which cats do not get along. Keep them separated with their own litter and sleeping areas and slowly reintroduce them while adding a positive experience such as treats. If marking seems to be stimulated by cats outside the home, then prevent your indoor cat from seeing them by closing windows, blinds and doors. You could also attach a motion-detection device to your lawn sprinkler and set the sprinkler near your windows to scare the neighboring cats.


TIP: How to identify which cat is spraying?

A cat sniffing another cat

If it is hard for you to determine which cat is spraying, talk to your vet about giving your pet a harmless dye that will make urine glow under ultraviolet light, which you can get at a pet store. Once you know which cat is causing the problem, you can take him or her to the vet for further testing. Of course, you could temporarily confine your cats, one at a time, to identify the trouble-maker.


Desire to mate is another reason behind cats spraying

One of the roles of spraying is to advertise reproductive availability. Cat urine contains chemicals (pheromones) that send messages to other cats, so during mating season, male and female cats communicate by spraying.

This is why it’s important to neuter and spay cats. While the age at which a cat matures sexually can vary, male cats in multicat households or close proximity to other cats are more likely to spray at a younger age.


Problem: You have an intact (non-neutered) male cat that’s beginning to spray urine with a distinctive odor – strong and pungent.

How to fix it: Neuter or spay your cat. This will change the odor and may reduce the cat’s motivation for spraying. Although marking isn’t limited to a cat’s desire to mate, this is one of the main reasons cats mark. Neutering or spaying is a proven treatment for cats who spray for reproductive purposes.


Routine changes in the household are associated with cat spraying as well

Cats are creatures of habit, so any change might cause stress and provoke spraying. For this reason, cat parents need to realize that their pets don’t think their urine smells bad – on the opposite, animals comfort themselves with their familiar scents. Spraying makes cats feel more secure and content, so if it occurs, consider what might be stressing them out. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Renovation
  • New baby
  • Different work schedule
  • New Spouse
  • Moving
  • Reduced playtime

Problem: It seems like a home remodeling project has upset your kitty and you have noticed wet spots on the side of the couch and the drapes.

How to fix it: Take more time for your kitty and play. Physical activities – like a game of “follow the feather” – are a great stress reliever. Also, set apart a hiding area for your cat to escape during stressful situations like remodeling projects or parties. Remember to not punish your cat even if you see him or her spraying. A punishment will only make the animal more anxious, and thus more likely to spray. And finally, clean the marked spot thoroughly because, if there’s even the slightest scent of urine left behind, your cat will be tempted to spray again.


Learn How to Remove Cat Urine


Litter inadequacies may also be a reason for your cat to spray 

The issue of proper litter box maintenance should always be addressed when dealing with a spraying cat. Although spraying is not an elimination problem, if there are too few litter boxes in a multi-cat household, a conflict may arise over litter box use, which could contribute to spraying.

So, make sure you have one cat litter box furniture for each cat, plus one extra. If you have two cats, you’ll need at least three litter boxes. The size and area also matter: The litter box should be bigger than the cat (1.5 times the cat’s length) and be placed in a quiet, low-traffic area. Most importantly, keep it clean – scoop the litter twice a day and clean the toilets with warm water and unscented soap once a week to reduce the presence of any offending “other cat” smells.

Problem: Your well-behaved cat doesn’t connect with the litter box anymore and has started to leave unpleasant “surprises” around the house.

How to fix it: Try to change the litter box. For example, if you have changed the mix to a scented one or have placed a liner that makes your pet uncomfortable, she or he may decide to pee outside of the box. So, go back to normal. If you have multiple cats, place litter boxes in low-traffic areas with at least two exit routes – the point is to avoid conflict between the cats. Don’t forget to keep the box clean and completely replace the litter once a week.


Why do cats pee in the bed?

From a cat’s point of view, a bed makes the perfect toilet because it is absorbent and clean; however, a cat may be using your bed for several other reasons:

  • Separation anxiety: It’s comforting for the cat to mix her scent with the human’s scent—if, for example, her parent has been gone for too long, she might soothe herself.

  • Confrontation: If a new significant other shares the bed, the cat might be sending a message.

  • Stress: If the cat doesn’t feel safe in the house because of renovation work, new people, or another unexpected change, she may stay in the bedroom for safety reasons.

  • Unacceptable litter box: If the cat’s toilet is dirty or set in a new location, she’ll look for a new spot, and the bed must meet the requirements.


How to stop cats from spraying

How to stop cat urine spraying - Infographic

Introduce some playtime on the bed so the cat makes a positive association. Offer some treats.

  • Address conflict with another family member by asking that person to feed the cat.

  • Eliminate litter box issues and multi-cat issues. Make sure the cat feels safe going out of your bedroom.

  • Try changing the bedding, including the comforter. Look for different fabrics and textures.

  • Take your pet to the vet to rule out any other factors contributing to the issue.



The bottom line

There are a few things you can do to avoid cat urine spraying:

Always provide plenty of climbing, resting and feeding areas, especially if you have many cats. It is essential that cats have plenty of space, so conflict could be avoided and the animals don’t feel the need to mark their territory.

Ensure each cat has a litter box that is scooped daily and add an extra box on top of that.

Ensure that your household and work routines don’t change often – moving, noisy parties or new roommates may cause stress to your pet, which may contribute to spraying.

Finally, if your cat’s behavior changes, consult your vet first to rule out any medical reasons why your cat is spraying.


Please note that this blog post is not meant to give a diagnosis. If your cat displays any type of behavioral problems, it’s best to talk to your vet.




The following infographic explains the reasons behind cat spraying and how to deal with it. Feel free to share it if you like it.

Infographic: Why cat spray and how to deal with it

Viva Bolova

About the author

Viva Bolova holds a degree in journalism from the University of Kansas. She spent 14 years doing work for major brands and writing for various publications. Now she writes on travel and pet-related topics and has experience as a PR expert for an international airport. 

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