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Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft

Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft
Insulation inside walls, under roof and floor
Waterproof Roof
Wooden outside cat house on platform
Shelter for Stray and Feral cats
Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft
Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft
Insulation inside walls, under roof and floor
Waterproof Roof
Wooden outside cat house on platform
Shelter for Stray and Feral cats
Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft
Raised Cat House with Platform & Loft

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A feline abode for all seasons, this raised cedar cat house has everything the outside cats could need. Designed to protect one or two cats from the perils of bad weather, it's constructed with Thermal-Ply insulation for extra protection from both the cold and the heat. The platform and loft give kitty comfortable places to catch a little cat nap or just get away from any precipitation. Whether you're harboring a feral cat or giving your beloved pet a winter/summer shelter of their own, they'll love the 13"H platform with a built-in lounging deck that lifts the house 13" off the ground and keeps it away from moisture and dirt.

Your cats will also enjoy the second lounging deck. Especially if they love going high, the deck doubles as a great place to grab some morning sun as well as a protective roof over the doorway. Overall, this all-climates home for outdoor cats is a terrific way to spoil your deserving pets!

Exterior: 23"W x 24"D x 20"H
Interior: 19"W x 18"D
Door Opening: 7"W x 9"H
Lower platform: 13" off the ground with a 22" x 9" lounging deck
Upper platform: 32" off the ground with a 34" x 22" (D x W) lounging deck

Features & Benefits

  • WATERPROOF ROOF: It is made with water-resistant felt paper under the wood siding that is treated with a non-toxic, chemical-free, environmentally friendly lifetime wood treatment, making it very durable and able to withstand any outdoor elements for many years.
  • MADE FROM WESTERN RED CEDAR: It repels insects and resists decay, so your cat shelter will last years!
  • THERMAL-PLY INSULATION: Floor, ceiling, and walls are layered with thermal-ply insulation to keep your pet warm and out of the wind!
  • TWO LEVELS: A lounging deck on the first level is covered by a loft deck that acts as a roof and provides your cats with space for sunbaths and cat naps!
  • RAISED ON PLATFORM: Platform design raised several inches above ground level keeps the floor drier and warmer for comfy cats!
  • EASY ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Battery-powered screwdriver is everything you need to put this item together with the easy-to-follow instructions provided.
  • REMOVABLE ROOF: It can be easily removed by taking out a couple of screws
  • Made to order. Ships in 6-8 business days.
  • WEIGHT: 33 lbs
  • FREE SHIPPING to Continental US and Canada


Optional Features:

Extra Door

Extra (Escape) Door: Give your feline friend an extra exit if predators come sniffing around. With the same dimensions as the front door, this door can be installed on the back, left, or right walls when facing the front door.

Vinyl Door Flap

Vinyl Door Flap: Vinyl that is heavy enough to act as a barrier is used. The vinyl flaps are solid (not cut into strips) and secured inside from the top of the door frame by a Velcro strip.

Round Door Insert

Round Door Insert: If your cat likes to squeeze through holes in fences or find an isolated corner to curl up in, she may enjoy this round door style. The insert has a 6" round opening and may be easily removed if the cat is too big to fit through it or does not like it.



Shipping: Ships from Canada via FedEx Ground. Transit time is 3-7 business days, depending on where it goes.

Questions & Answers

Questions24 Answers24 | Expand All

Is the wood treated in any way?

  • The wood is natural and not treated. For maximum wood protection against weather, it should be treated with at least a water seal. You may paint or stain the house as well. If you want to treat it, we recommend a Thompson water seal.


When determining where to locate a side escape door, I need to know what is meant by left wall and right wall. 

Sharon Vinson
  • Right side door means the door will be on the right wall when you face the front door of the house.


I can't seem to find mine for my existing unit and it needs tightening.

  • The screwdriver bit needed is #2 square bit.


I see in the FAQs, you can customize the door size. Can the entry door and the escape door be 6" x 6" square instead of having a 6" round insert? Also, I don't see any way to add the additional fee for the custom-sized doors. How do I pay for that?

  • The smallest we can make the door is 6" x 8". The only way to be 6" x 6" is by the Round Door Insert. The price of each custom-size door is an extra $35. If you want to order them, we will send you an extra invoice after you place the order.


Does it have an escape door in case another animal comes in?

  • The house has only a front door, but you may order an extra (escape) door. It can be made on the back or side walls. Check the options.


Having decided which direction the house will be facing on my deck, I need to choose where the hole for the heating pad is placed so the cord is the least exposed to chewing animals, such as squirrels.

Melanie S Irwin
  • Yes, you can choose. Just write this in the comment field when place an order.


Is there a heating pad included? I do not see it.

  • No. It comes without a heating pad. You should buy it separately.


Can the door be made smaller?

Nancy Asbury
  • Yes. We can make a custom size door for an extra $35.00.


I would like to install heating pad on wall so bedding can be placed on floor.

  • The interior side and back walls dimensions are 19" x 18" to the insulation. It would be best if you use 17" x 18" pad or smaller.


Can I get an extended roof with this outoor condo?

Paula Sullivan
  • Unfortunately, this item can not be made with an extended roof anymore.


I see this can accommodate 2 small cats. Is there a larger size to accommodate 2 full size cats?

  • We can not make this house bigger, but if you want a shelter for two or more cats, you should consider this extra large outdoor cat house


Where is the back door located, in relation to the front door? Is the back door directly opposite from the front door?

  • The extra back door option goes on the back wall with the door opening on the opposite side of the front door wall.


If I bought 2 of these with an extra entrance on the right and left sides, could they be put next to each other for the cats to climb between them? Or would there be a gap, exit doors not line up perfectly, etc?

  • You can put two houses next to each other, but there would be a gap between them because of the roof which is sticking out.


Can I use the vinyl door flap with the round door insert?

  • No.


I’m thinking of buying this shelter for a feral cat that needs to see what’s going on around him from as many angles as possible. I would want an escape door in the back. But also, is there a way to put a window on the side so the cat doesn’t feel closed in? Also, how tall is the platform?

Giselle Bellanca

І аm gоіng tо рurсhаѕе thе lаrgеr саt hоuѕе but аm nоt ѕurе іf І ѕhоuld рurсhаѕе thе hеаtіng раd аlѕо. Саn І uѕе аn еlесtrіс раd wіth а ѕtrаw bеddіng? І dоn't wаnt а fіrе but оur wіntеrѕ аrе VЕRY соld аnd wаnt kіttіеѕ tо bе аѕ wаrm аѕ роѕѕіblе.

Rosemarie Frey
  • Straw, hay, and wood shavings are all combustible materials, and we would never advise using any of these materials with any heated product. It would be best not to place these materials on a heating pad.


Can the extra door be put on the side of the house instead of the back?

  • Yes, we have added a left or right door as an option. Check the page again.


Is this big enough for 2 cats?

  • This house can accommodate two cats only if they are small and do not fight each other.


How do you clean the inside?

  • The roof of this shelter can be easily removed by taking out a couple of screws. Then you may clean it inside.

We're unsure if our cat would use, or even fit through a round door opening. So easy door modification would be a plus+ for us. Thank you.
Michael Dongug
  • Yes. You can easily remove the round door inserts if your cat does not like it.


I need to protect cats from predators and a platform would protect them from dogs and coyotes. Neighbors dogs could get into one this height so I need one taller and coyotes are a continual issue.

Sandy Schiro

Can you make the entry round?

  • No, but you may order a ”Round Door Insert“ to make the entry round.


Can you make the entry smaller? maybe 7 x 7 inches? 

  • Yes. It would be an extra $35.00.


Would you give me more details about your Thermal-Ply insulation?

  • The insulation is about a half-inch thick and has a foil on one side. We place it on the floor, walls, and ceiling. It is sealed with caulking. 

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